Talent Management

Health and Care Leaders Scheme

HCLS Aspiring Directors Programme

Develops national system leadership capacity and capability, addressing both local and shared needs. 15 high potential individuals at deputy director and equivalent grades from across DH and ALBs completed their development programme in 2014/15. A second cohort began on 30 September 2105, with 28 staff from across ten of our organisations completed the programme in September 2016 and a further 27 began Cohort 3 later in September 2016.

Nominees attend an assessment and interview centre, co-ordinated by the programme office and run and resourced by directors and HR / OD leads from our organisations, co-ordinated by the programme office and run and resourced by Directors and HR / OD leads from our organisations.

2025 Leaders

A scheme for high potential directors with the first cohort commencing in April 2016. The aim of the programme is to identify and develop the next generation of Chief Executives and Director Generals to lead the health and care system at a national level through the ALBs / DH and 19 staff from DH and its ALBs began their programme.

Just as today’s senior leaders are charged with the creation and implementation of the Five Year Forward View, the Chief Executives and DGs of 2020 will be charged with the creation and implementation of the roadmap to 2025 in the context of an increasingly complex set of demands and dynamics.

By 2020, we may have resolved some of the structural and financial issues that face us today, but new issues will no doubt have emerged from the changing demographics and political pressures already on the horizon.

The 2025 Leaders Programme is designed to equip participants with the leadership capacities and capabilities to meet this challenge.

Register on this site for scheme specific information. Once registered you will have access to the ‘My space’ area to help you record and track your progress as well as store your evidence.

Civil Service Talent Management

Civil Service Learning

The Civil Service has a number of talent management schemes available to civil servants.

  • High Potential Development Scheme (SCS2)
  • Senior Leaders Scheme for deputy directors (SCS1)
  • Future Leaders Scheme for civil service grades 6 and 7
  • Civil Service fast stream

These schemes are designed to give civil servants who show high potential targeted development in areas such as leadership, commercial knowledge and project management, so that they can get experience and insight into the skills they will need to become the leaders of the future. Most importantly, they offer participants the opportunity to share and learn from experiences with colleagues from across different departments.

NHS Leadership Academy Talent Management

NHS Leadership Academy

Provides an online talent management resource for everyone working in the NHS.

Materials have been written in partnership with NHS managers and employees to ensure they are accessible to everyone. They cater for different learning styles in the form of in-depth documents in their full guides and bite sized learning in handy booklets and films. Whether you are a talent lead in an organisation with the responsibility to implement talent management across your organisation or you are an employee about to embark on having a talent or maximising potential conversation, this Hub will be a useful resource for you.

Talent Management Toolkit

Please click here for more information.